It seems we're not the only ones having a whale of a time in Charlotte Square gardens - we're proud and delighted to find that Book Festival appreciation is spreading far and wide!
Lisa Dempster, one of our friends from the Melbourne Writers' Festival, offers a brilliant peek at the Book Festival Author's Yurt in her blog. "Happy memories here" she reflects, and we can relate to that.
Dominic Cavendish has also been enjoying the Book Festival, and in the Telegraph asks with flattering enthusiasm: why isn’t more of a fuss made about the Edinburgh International Book Festival?
But here's some fuss! David Shenk, who joined us earlier this week for his insightful and intriguing events about the effect of environment on intellect, wrote a very encouraging article about us in The Atlantic entitled "How to Run a Book Festival".
"You'd choose a beautiful, ancient city with a spectacular summer climate [...] You'd invite a wide range of authors [...] You'd create a great bookstore [...] You'd call it the Edinburgh International Book Festival".
It’s a pleasure reading such kind words, and it encourages us all the more to enjoy this very catchy Book Festival atmosphere.